Mulan - Sunk By Torpedo

2.500 kr Including Meal

Mulan - Sunk By Torpedo
During World War II, the Swedish military rebuilt an old whaling ship to become a minute-setter. The name "Mulan" is a nickname and the boat is actually called "Mul 1" where the abbreviation "Mul" stands for minute setter and "1" indicates that it is number one of nine vessels acquired for the mission. After the end of the war, Mulan had fulfilled his purpose as a minute setter and was instead given one last assignment, to act as a target for the Swedish Air Force in a torpedo exercise. Mulan was sunk by a torpedo in 1958 near Ytterholmen in Hellvi. The wreck is about 24 m long, 4.5 m wide and lies at about 12 m depth. You can see a large hole in the side where the torpedo hit.

Nearby there is also another wreck, an old wooden ship loaded with lime from S: t Olofsholm. There is not much left of the wreck, it is about 14-15 m long and you see some pieces of wood here and there. The wreck is located at a depth of 3-6 m.

Wreck diving by boat
Now you can examine Mulan with your own eyes. Three times a week we start from Slite Hamn and go out to the wreck by boat. Once in place, two dives are performed and you get the chance to discover part of our history on the seabed. In addition to this, a meal is also served between dives. Maximum four participants per turn.

Below you see the planned dates. Click in the calendar to see the date.

Price: 2500 SEK. Including meal.

Book directly by calling us at 073-660 32 82 or fill out the form below.

Note that you must select a date you want from the list below. If you have a request for another date, contact us and we will review the possibilities of tailoring a wreck dive.

Bokningsförfråga Vrakdyk

