Peak Performance Boyancy

Original price was: 2.290 kr.Current price is: 2.290 kr.

You will reduce your air consumption and you will feel like a fish in water. We test the right amount of lead for you and your equipment and move around weights so that you find the location that is best for you. We teach you breathing techniques. Being properly balanced and being able to control your position in the water creates the real weightless feeling underwater!

Detta är en kurs som flera säger “Den behöver jag inte gå, jag kan redan dyka”… De som har gått denna kurs säger: “Jösses vad mycket bättre jag blev!” , “Vilken skillnad i luftförbrukning!” , “Nu har jag alla tipsen för att verkligen bli duktig!”

Below you see the planned dates. Click in the calendar to see the date.

Price 2290 SEK.

Cancellation policy
After you have booked and read the study material, you will be charged the cost of the study material if you cancel. If the cancellation is made less than two weeks before the course, the full amount of the course will be charged.

Book directly by calling us at 073-660 32 82 or fill out the form below.

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